I'm a native Calgarian (one of very few it would seem), born here in the late 60's and have lived in numerous communities throughout the years but nearly 4 decades have been spent living in one of the communities west of downtown. One of the communities that has Westbrook Mall at its hub. Having reluctantly accepted the fact that I'm slightly past "middle-aged" I came to the conclusion that I needed a platform where I could vent, let loose, free my inner "grumpy old man". So, I created this blog. It will be a place for me to put in my two cents about the things going on in the neighbourhood, be they good or bad. I've spent a lot of time complaining and not a lot of time doing anything about it. We live in an age where anybody can have a platform online, so I thought I'd build such a platform and maybe try to do some good for my community while I'm at it. Now when I say "neighbourhood", I mean the communities of Glamorgan, G...
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