
Showing posts from March, 2018

My Interview with Danielle Smith.

After weeks of poring over statistics from a number of sources, packaging it together in a meaningful way and analyzing it to see what it all means, I published the results of my research and spoke about it this morning with Danielle Smith.  I wasn't able to get into all the detail that I wanted to but at least I still have this blog to say what I didn't have the time to get in this morning. I could have talked for much longer, but with time being a factor there was only so much I could get in.  That said I am very grateful to Danielle for the time she gave me this morning to bring these issues to the forefront.  It is something that has needed some attention for some time, and now things are being brought to light. Something that I really wanted to say was that one of my aims is to help improve the area's reputation.  I can't tell you the amount of comments that I have seen across various social media platforms, the majority negative, about the area around Westb...

Crime Statistics and the Westbrook C-Train Station.

So the main reason that I started this blog was because of what has happened in the neighbourhood since the Westbrook C-Train station opened in December of 2012.  Anyone living and working in the area, myself included, can attest to the fact that once the station opened things around here changed, and not really for the better. Sure it gave us a quicker, more direct means of getting to the downtown core.  What it also did was give crime a quicker, more direct means of coming to the community. It's something that's been bugging me since 2013, so finding myself unemployed and left with too much time on my hands, I figured I'd try to do something about it.  If nothing came of it I could at least say that I tried. So, what could I do.  The idea dawned on me that a CPS Community Station in Westbrook Mall might be a start. I mean, I realized that opening up what is basically an administration station in the mall wouldn't suddenly bring crime in the area to a screeching...

Purely Unscientific Poll: Soccer Dome near Westbrook Station. Yes or no?

Okay neighbours, a quick poll.   A soccer dome and parking lot with 400 stalls is going to be put up later this year on the property next to the Westbrook LRT Station. Question: Are you in favour of this? Yes or No. Let me know in the comments.

A Place For The Residents Of The Communities Up The Hill From Downtown..

I'm a native Calgarian (one of very few it would seem), born here in the late 60's and have lived in numerous communities throughout the years but nearly 4 decades have been spent living in one of the communities west of downtown. One of the communities that has Westbrook Mall at its hub.  Having reluctantly accepted the fact that I'm slightly past "middle-aged" I came to the conclusion that I needed a platform where I could vent, let loose, free my inner "grumpy old man".  So, I created this blog.  It will be a place for me to put in my two cents about the things going on in the neighbourhood, be they good or bad.  I've spent a lot of time complaining and not a lot of time doing anything about it.  We live in an age where anybody can have a platform online, so I thought I'd build such a platform and maybe try to do some good for my community while I'm at it. Now when I say "neighbourhood", I mean the communities of Glamorgan, G...